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Country - United States
Summary - Basic Ordering Agreements (Boa) For Design/Build (D/B) And Bid/Build (B/B) Services
Deadline - Feb 14, 2025
GT reference number - 100061130
Product classification - Construction work for commercial buildings, warehouses and industrial buildings, buildings relating to transport
Address - United States
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 100061130
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a requirement to add up to five (5) vendors to the Nationeide Basic Ordering Agreements (BOA) for Design/Build (D/B) and Bid/Build (B/B) services required by the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Fac ilities. Review all attachments pertaining to this solicitation prior to submitting a proposal. Please note the FAR references cited in are not applicable to the FAA as the FAA has its own policies and guidance referenced in the Acquisition Management System (AMS). This SIR/RFP is being posted in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Acquisition Management Policy, Section Public Announcements. All interested vendors are
Gt Ref Id - 100061130
Deadline - Feb 14, 2025
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