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Bkp 201 Excavation And Excavation Support

Gemeinde Flawil, Baukommission Marktplatz Switzerland has Released a tender for Bkp 201 Excavation And Excavation Support in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Nov 19, 2024.

Country - Switzerland

Summary - Bkp 201 Excavation And Excavation Support

Deadline - Jan 06, 2025

GT reference number - 97844659

Product classification - Trench-digging work

Organization Details:

  Address - Switzerland

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 97844659

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Construction of the entire excavation pit, including excavation pit securing and sewerage work for the redesign of the market square with open market hall, cultural center and underground car park in Flawil.local title:: BKP 201 Baugrube naushub und BaugrubensicherungContract Type: : Workslocal description: : Erstellung der gesamten Baugrube, inklusive Baugrubensicherung und Kanalisationsarbeiten für die Neugestaltung des Marktplatzes mit offener Markthalle, Kulturhaus und Tiefgarage in Flawil. category: works lot_details: 1: BKP 201 Excavation and Excavation Support

Gt Ref Id - 97844659

Deadline - Jan 06, 2025

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