Country: | India |
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IISWBM, Management House College Square (West) Kolkata - 73 West Bengal , |
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Notice Type | Tender Notice |
Bidding Type | Other |
Notice No. | 71650065 |
Deadline | 2023-09-25 |
Description | NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed tenders are invited by llSWBM, Management House, College Square (West), Kolkata - 700 073 from bonafide and resourceful EPABX System maintenance contractor for annual maintenance contract (comprehensive) of the Siemens Hipath1190 System & Accessories (EPABX System) of the lnstitute as per details given in the tender document. Tender document with all details including terms & conditions are available from the office of the AAO during office hours on all working days from 12th September 2023 to 21't September 2023 (Mbnday to Friday) between ir-oo am to 4-00 pm. you may also download tender documents from lnstitute's Web Site (www.iiswbm.ed,u). The last date of submission of sealed tender completed in all respect including all required documents by 4.00 pm on or before 25tn September 2023. @IISWBM Date :- 12th September 2e23 @IISWBM Sealed tenders are-invited by lISWBM, Management House, College Square (west), Kolkata - 700 073 from bonafide and resourceful EpABx $ystem maintenance contractor for annual maintenance contract (comprehensive) of the siemens Hipath- 1190 System & Accessories (EPABX System) of the institute as per details given in the tender document. Details are given below :_ vv(qrr specification : Moder No. - siemens Hipath 1 1g0 Large configuration - IPRI, 4 Trunk (PNT), 96 Rnalog Extension, 1 Console. Frequency of visit . once in a month for routine check up and as and when required for any problem of the EPABX system to be attended within 24 hours from the time of complain. lnspection date and time : 12th september 2023 to22nd september 2023 (Monday to Friday) from 11_00 am to 4_00 pm. ' - \ opening of render Documents : 26th septembe r 2}23at 12.30 pm. lnstitute takes no responsibility for delay / loss or non-receipt of render Documents sent whatsoever. by post and reserves the right to ,"r*.t any or all render without tri.,,vvr assigning qeervr ilr rg any reason$ Application should be subm,itted alongwith self attested copies of following documents:- Certificate, 1' Trade Licence, 2. Latest l.T. returnl3 PAN card, +. csr certificate, 5. Authorization 6. Working experience certificates etc. Available date for Tender Documents Submission of fenaer Docurnent6 lt9, J2" September2m (Monday to Friday) between 11-00 am to 4_00 By4-00 pm on or befoffi @^ Registrar { t Date : The Director IISWBM College Square (west) Kolkata:700073 Sub: Application for annual maintenance contract (comprehensive) of the Siemens Hipath-1 190 System & Accessories (EPABX System) of the lnstitute as per details given in the tender dqculrtsnt aqaLnS! vour ACver,tiseFent,!n the l,nstilutg'.s_Web-qite",/ flgtic,q.Bo,ard. Respected Sir, ln view of the above, we would like to apply for the same. Our details information is stated here under: Name of the organization Address of the organization Contact No. Trade licence No. PAN No. Latest lT Return GST Registration No. with rate (%) Authorization Certificate Working experience certificates Total Quoted Rate (with GSr) Other details if any Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Signature with seal) |
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