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Country - Dominican Republic
Summary - Bond Paper Acquisition, Santinado Paper, Towel Paper And Jumbo Toilet Paper, To Be Used In Different Areas, Aimed At Msmes, Under The Green Purchase Criteria
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GT reference number - 103646945
Product classification - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages
Address - Dominican Republic
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 103646945
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Bond paper acquisition, Santinado paper, towel paper and jumbo toilet paper, to be used in different areas, aimed at MSMEs, under the green purchase criterialocal title:: ADQUISICION DE PAPEL BOND, PAPEL SANTINADO, PAPEL TOALLA Y PAPEL H IGIENICO JUMBO, PARA SER UTILIZADO EN DIFERENTES AREAS, DIRIGIDO A MIPYMES, BAJO EL CRITERIO DE COMPRA VERDEContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : ADQUISICION DE PAPEL BOND, PAPEL SANTINADO, PAPEL TOALLA Y PAPEL HIGIENICO JUMBO, PARA SER UTILIZADO EN DIFERENTES AREAS, DIRIGIDO A MIPYMES, BAJO EL CRITERIO DE COMPRA VERDEGross Budget LC: : 1036016.8 est_amount: 1036016.8 lot_details: 1: Bond paper 24 of 90 grams, opaque white size 23 * 35. (50
Gt Ref Id - 103646945
Deadline - Feb 24, 2025
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