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Country - United Kingdom
Summary - Bus Real-Time Passenger Information (Rtpi) And Traffic Light Priority (Tlp)
Deadline - Mar 22, 2025
GT reference number - 80010015
Product classification - Business intelligence software development services
Address - United Kingdom
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 80010015
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description Lancashire is committed to promoting bus travel across the County. It is currently developing a technology-based approach for network management including the deployment of intelligent bus priority at key signalised junctions and the prov ision of a Real Time Passenger Information(RTPI) system to support local bus services and improve the customer experience. A new RTPI system is a key component of the LancashireFuture Mobility Platform and was central to the Bus Theme in the recent East Lancashire LUF Application, as well as supporting the Councils broader policies for promoting sustainable transport, digitalisation, and carbon reduction.The Council is seeking to appoint an RTPI
Gt Ref Id - 80010015
Deadline - Mar 22, 2025
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