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Country - Croatia
Summary - C5.1. R4-I5 Introduction Of A System For Monitoring The Outcome Of Outpatient Treatment With An Emphasis On Chronic Patients In Public Pharmacies
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GT reference number - 82816321
Product classification - Business intelligence software development services
Address - Croatia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 82816321
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Implementation of the program solution for the system of monitoring the outcome of treatment of chronic outpatients in public pharmacies. The requested software solution includes the delivery of software, initial data entry from existing relevant data sources, implementation of the software solution, initial and final adjustment and testing of the software solution, education of key users to be chosen by the Client according to the Train-the-trainers model.local title:: C5.1. R4-I5 Uvođenje sustava praćenja ishoda liječenja vanbolničkih pacijenata s naglaskom na kronične pacijente u javnim ljekarnamatype_of_procedure: Otherbidding_response_method: Not Available
Gt Ref Id - 82816321
Deadline - Jul 15, 2024
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