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Country - Kenya
Summary - Call Of Express Of Interest. Addressing Climate And Environment-Induced Mobility In The Arid And Semi-Arid Lands (Asals) In Kenya (Turkana And Garissa Counties) Open New Window
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GT reference number - 79247806
Product classification - Work environment services
Address - Kenya
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 79247806
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - IOM Kenya is inviting international and national non-government organizations (I/NGOs) in Kenya with proven capacity, field presence and technical expertise to implement various activities on diversified resilient/climate smart water supply and livel ihoods support in Kakuma host communities in Turkana County and in Garissa including areas in and around Dadaab. The main Output to implement this component is: Displaced and host communities have access to sustainable and integrated water supply for themselves and for livestock’s sustainable consumptions.and the outputs will ensure that the needs and rights of individuals and communities are incorporated throughout the implementation process.
Gt Ref Id - 79247806
Deadline - Mar 18, 2024
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