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Country - Colombia
Summary - Carry Out The Acquisition Of Supplies For Anti-Rabies Vaccination Days For Dogs And Cats
Deadline - Dec 28, 2024
GT reference number - 99870499
Product classification - Animal products
Address - Colombia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99870499
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: CARRY OUT THE ACQUISITION OF SUPPLIES FOR ANTI-RABIES VACCINATION DAYS FOR DOGS AND CATS ACTIVITY 189.4 - (PAA 4.23)local title:: REALIZAR LA ADQUISICIÓN DE INSUMOS PARA JORNADAS DE VACUNACIÓN ANTIRRÁBICA PARA PERROS Y GATOSContract D uration: : 30DíasContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : REALIZAR LA ADQUISICIÓN DE INSUMOS PARA JORNADAS DE VACUNACIÓN ANTIRRÁBICA PARA PERROS Y GATOS ACTIVIDAD 189.4 - (PAA 4.23)Net Budget LC: : 110580712.0 tender_contract_end_date: 2024-12-29 11:59:00 est_amount: 110580712.0 category: Arneses de cuello para animales lot_details: 1: JERINGAS, 2: GUARDIA PEQUEÑO RECOLECTOR PUNZANTE, 3: BOZALES, 4: GUANTES, 5: RED DE LANCE, 6: MEGAFONO,
Gt Ref Id - 99870499
Deadline - Dec 28, 2024
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