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Country - Luxembourg
Summary - Chl Nbc Ve4100 Building Automation
Deadline - Mar 04, 2025
GT reference number - 99964167
Product classification - Building installation work
Address - Luxembourg
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99964167
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The order includes the entire building automation system consisting of field devices, automation stations, room automation, fire damper detection and control system, passive network components, building management technology, control cab inets, cabling and all other ancillary services of the building automation systems. The services and quantities listed below are to be carried out as part of the work for the contract unit "VE4100 Building Automation" for the new center building and its annexes (Nouveau Bâtiment Centre) of the CHL: Building automation installations: - Approx. 6,000 field devices - 88 BACnet/SC automation stations - 290 room automation controllers - Approx. 1,600
Gt Ref Id - 99964167
Deadline - Mar 04, 2025
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