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Country - Spain
Summary - Circular Economy: Implementation And Execution Of An Island Plan To Promote And Help Implement The Circular Economy In Tenerife'S Tourism Sector.
Deadline - Dec 14, 2024
GT reference number - 98666567
Product classification - Project management consultancy services
Address - Spain
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98666567
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: It includes the following actions grouped into 4 sections: 1. Diagnosis of the implementation of the circular economy and design of a roadmap for the continued development of the circular economy in the coming years. 2. Awareness and tra ining program in circular economy and tourism sustainability, with 3 lines of action: 2.1. Preparation of a manual to promote the circular economy in the island's tourism sectors and a Guide for local entities. 2.2. Preparation of an awareness campaign on the inclusion of the circular economy in the different tourism sectors. 2.3. Training program in Circular Economy applied to tourism. 3. Business transformation program towards circularity and t
Gt Ref Id - 98666567
Deadline - Dec 14, 2024
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