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Cleaning Canal Bridge 2025 Abz. 05

WasserstraSSen- und Schifffahrtsamt Elbe Germany has Released a tender for Cleaning Canal Bridge 2025 Abz. 05 in Environment and Pollution. The tender was released on Dec 05, 2024.

Country - Germany

Summary - Cleaning Canal Bridge 2025 Abz. 05

Deadline - Jan 21, 2025

GT reference number - 99128974

Product classification - Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services

Organization Details:

  Address - Germany

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99128974

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The service includes cleaning the trough (inside), the entire canal bridge and the abutments. The floor, the walls, the walls behind the fenders, the fenders themselves and the underside of the cover plates (folded up), the cable catch p its and the omega joints are to be cleaned.The service covers approx. 51,000m².The cleaning is to be carried out in such a way that a structural inspection and an assessment of the corrosion protection can be carried out.The cleaning will start simultaneously from both abutments (western and eastern ends of the canal bridge) and will be carried out continuously towards the middle. The structural inspection and corrosion protection work will be c

Gt Ref Id - 99128974

Deadline - Jan 21, 2025

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