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Country - France
Summary - Cleaning Of Tourist And Craft Areas In The Val De Fensch Urban Community
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 95146957
Product classification - Cleaning services
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 95146957
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: This involves cleaning the tourist and craft areas of the urban community listed in the specifications. The single-awardee framework agreement will be executed by purchase orders. The estimated value of the requirement indicated correspo nds to the maximum total amount of the framework agreement. The initial duration of the framework agreement is set at 12 months, tacitly renewable 3 times for the same duration, i.e. 48 months.notice_title: Cleaning Of Tourist And Craft Areas In The Val De Fensch Urban CommunityContract Duration: : Durée du marché (en mois) : 48Contract Type: : Serviceslocal description: : Il s'agit du nettoyage des zones touristiques et artisanales de la Commu
Gt Ref Id - 95146957
Deadline - Nov 06, 2024
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