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Cleaning Services Of Regional Offices And On-Site Bathrooms Belonging To The National Forestry Agency.

ეროვნული სატყეო სააგენტო Georgia has Released a tender for Cleaning Services Of Regional Offices And On-Site Bathrooms Belonging To The National Forestry Agency. in Services. The tender was released on Dec 04, 2024.

Country - Georgia

Summary - Cleaning Services Of Regional Offices And On-Site Bathrooms Belonging To The National Forestry Agency.

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 99057292

Product classification - Cleaning and sanitation services

Organization Details:

  Address - Georgia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99057292

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Cleaning services should include: (Cleaning of 2 regional offices and on-site bathrooms. Total area - 257 sq m).1. Cleaning of the ceiling and walls: the ceiling and walls should be cleaned on site once a week dry, and once a month with a wet cloth using an appropriate solution. There should be no visible stains, dirt and cobwebs on the wall covering.2. Cleaning office furniture (including upholstered furniture): Furniture should be dusted every day, and there should be no dirt, fingerprints, stains, etc. Chairs and armchairs should be free of dust, spills, or stains.3. Cleaning computers and office equipment: Surfaces should be cleaned daily. They should be free of dust and dir

Gt Ref Id - 99057292

Deadline - Dec 16, 2024

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