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Country - Switzerland
Summary - Complete Renovation Of Auenfeld Barracks, Wpl Frauenfeld, 1St Stage And 3Rd Stage Bkp 250.0 Sanitary Installations (Nk Command Building)
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 93347919
Product classification - Building construction work
Address - Switzerland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 93347919
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The command building is a reinforced concrete skeleton structure from the year 2000 and is to be extended by two floors (ET1) and the existing floors (ET3) are to be renovated.notice_title: Complete Renovation Of Auenfeld Barracks, Wpl F rauenfeld, 1St Stage And 3Rd Stage Bkp 250.0 Sanitary Installations (Nk Command Building)local description: : Das Kommandogebäude ist ein Stahlbeton-Skelettbau aus dem Jahre 2000 und soll um zwei Geschosse aufgestockt (ET1) und die bestehenden Geschosse (ET3) saniert werden.local title:: Gesamtsanierung Kaserne Auenfeld, Wpl Frauenfeld, 1. Etappe und 3. Etappe BKP 250.0 Sanitärinstallationen (Kommandogebäude NK)type_of_procedure: Opentender_co
Gt Ref Id - 93347919
Deadline - Oct 28, 2024
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