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Country - Switzerland
Summary - Concepts Nature, Landscape And Army Nla: Expert Advice, Controlling And Auditing
Deadline - Mar 18, 2025
GT reference number - 102800242
Product classification - Environmental services
Address - Switzerland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102800242
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Concepts Nature, Landscape And Army Nla: Expert Advice, Controlling And Auditinglocal title:: Konzepte Natur, Landschaft und Armee NLA: Fachberatung, Controlling und RevisionContract Duration: : Contract duration01.01.2026 – 31.12 .2030Contract Type: : Service lot_details: 1: cantons AG, LU, NW, OW, SZ, UR and ZG, 2: Canton GR (without Grono, St. Luzisteig and the Calanda finish slope of the Wpl Chur), 3: Cantons / regions BE, BL, BS and SO without French Jura Arc, 4: Cantons GE, FR and VD (excluding Forel and French Jura Arc), 5: Region frz. Jurabogen incl. Beer, 6: Cantons AR, AI, GL, SG, SH, TG, ZH (and St. Luzisteig), 7: Canton TI (and Grono), 8: Canton VS
Gt Ref Id - 102800242
Deadline - Mar 18, 2025
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