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Country - Poland
Summary - Construction And Delivery Of A Robot That Meets The Requirements Of Horticulture
Deadline - Feb 04, 2026
GT reference number - 102691481
Product classification - Agricultural machinery
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102691481
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Construction and delivery of a robot that meets the requirements of precision horticulture in the form of an electric autonomous platform as part of the Smart Villages 2 projectlocal title:: Budowa i dostarczenie robota spełniającego w ymogi sadownictwaContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Budowa i dostarczenie robota spełniającego wymogi sadownictwa precyzyjnego w formie elektrycznej autonomicznej platformy w ramach projektu Smart Villages 2 category: supplies lot_details: 1: Construction and delivery of a robot that meets the requirements of horticulture
Gt Ref Id - 102691481
Deadline - Feb 04, 2026
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