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Country - France
Summary - Construction Of A Juxtaposed National Control Office (Bcnj) On The Access Ramp To The Mont-Blanc Tunnel.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 67075284
Product classification - Construction work for buildings relating to law and order
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 67075284
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Construction work for a building intended for the location of the juxtaposed national control office (BCNJ) on the CERRO area in Chamonix. The contract is divided into 11 lots, treated by separate contract, namely: Lot no. No2menuiserie Exterieur Alu minumlot No3platrerie - Partition - Isolation - Faux Ceilinglot No4menuiseries Interielotlot No5revements Duurs - Faiencelot No6PetTelot NO7DecstructionlotlOl No8gros work No9Electricite CFO/CFALOT No10 Chauffage SanitaiLot NO11VRD
Gt Ref Id - 67075284
Deadline - Jul 10, 2023
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