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Country - Nepal
Summary - Construction Of Road On Badkasir To Mill, Govinda Dangoriya'S House To Selfie Dada, Dhan Bahadur'S House To Shakti'S House, Khadka Bahadur Sarki'S House To Parajuli'S House And Culvert Construction At Chinak Dangoriya'S House To Medicine Factory And Way To Namdev'S House, Butwal - 16, Rupandehi
Deadline - Jan 12, 2025
GT reference number - 99669818
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Nepal
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99669818
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Construction of Road on Badkasir to mill, Govinda Dangoriya's house to selfie dada, Dhan bahadur's house to Shakti's house, Khadka bahadur sarki's house to parajuli's house and Culvert construction at Chinak Dangoriya's house to medicine factory and way to Namdev's house, Butwal - 16, Rupandehilocal title:: Construction of Road on Badkasir to mill, Govinda Dangoriya's house to selfie dada, Dhan bahadur's house to Shakti's house, Khadka bahadur sarki's house to parajuli's house and Culvert construction at Chinak Dangoriya's house to medicine factory and way to Namdev's house, Butwal - 16, RupandehiContract Type: : Workslocal description: : Construction of Road on Badkasir to mill
Gt Ref Id - 99669818
Deadline - Jan 12, 2025
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