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Country - Estonia
Summary - Construction Work Of Little Red Riding Hood Kindergarten
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 99689860
Product classification - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
Address - Estonia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99689860
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: During the construction works to be procured, the existing kindergarten building will be demolished and a new building for the Võru Little Red Riding Hood Kindergarten will be constructed and furnished, along with the necessary technica l equipment, furniture and other necessary furnishings.local title:: Lasteaed Punamütsike ehitustöödContract Type: : Workslocal description: : Hangitavate ehitustööde käigus lammutatakse olemasolev lasteaia hoone ja ehitatakse ning sisustatakse Võru Lasteaed Punamütsike uus hoone koos vajalike tehnoseadmete, mööbli ja muu vajamineva sisustusega.Net Budget Euro: : 6244368.85Net Budget LC: : 6244368.85 dispatch_date: 2024-12-11 00:00:00 e
Gt Ref Id - 99689860
Deadline - Jan 17, 2025
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