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Country - Brazil
Summary - Contracting of a company specialized in providing services for the renovation and recovery of chairs, stringers, armchairs, tables and sofas, as well as various furniture in hardwood and/or MDF, such as bench, pulpit, bookshelf, sideboard, display, desk, chairs, counter, tables, bollards and others, with supply of material, as per notice and annexes.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 90069100
Product classification - Furniture
Address - Brazil
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 90069100
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Contracting of a company specialized in providing services for the renovation and recovery of chairs, stringers, armchairs, tables and sofas, as well as various furniture in hardwood and/or MDF, such as bench, pulpit, bookshelf, sideboar d, display, desk, chairs, counter, tables, bollards and others, with supply of material, as per notice and annexes.local title:: Objeto: Pregão Eletrônico - Contratação de empresa especializada na prestação de serviços de reforma e recuperação de cadeiras, longarinas, poltronas, mesas e sofás, bem como diversos móveis em madeira de lei e/ou MDF, tais como, banco, pulpito, estante, aparador, expositor, escrivaninha, cadeiras, balcão, m
Gt Ref Id - 90069100
Deadline - Aug 16, 2024
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