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Contracting of a company specialized in providing services for the renovation and recovery of chairs, stringers, armchairs, tables and sofas, as well as various furniture in hardwood and/or MDF, such as bench, pulpit, bookshelf, sideboard, display, desk, chairs, counter, tables, bollards and others, with supply of material, as per notice and annexes.

GOVERNO DO ESTADO DO ACRE Brazil has Released a tender for Contracting of a company specialized in providing services for the renovation and recovery of chairs, stringers, armchairs, tables and sofas, as well as various furniture in hardwood and/or MDF, such as bench, pulpit, bookshelf, sideboard, display, desk, chairs, counter, tables, bollards and others, with supply of material, as per notice and annexes. in Furniture. The tender was released on Aug 02, 2024.

Country - Brazil

Summary - Contracting of a company specialized in providing services for the renovation and recovery of chairs, stringers, armchairs, tables and sofas, as well as various furniture in hardwood and/or MDF, such as bench, pulpit, bookshelf, sideboard, display, desk, chairs, counter, tables, bollards and others, with supply of material, as per notice and annexes.

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 90069100

Product classification - Furniture

Organization Details:

  Address - Brazil

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 90069100

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Contracting of a company specialized in providing services for the renovation and recovery of chairs, stringers, armchairs, tables and sofas, as well as various furniture in hardwood and/or MDF, such as bench, pulpit, bookshelf, sideboar d, display, desk, chairs, counter, tables, bollards and others, with supply of material, as per notice and annexes.local title:: Objeto: Pregão Eletrônico - Contratação de empresa especializada na prestação de serviços de reforma e recuperação de cadeiras, longarinas, poltronas, mesas e sofás, bem como diversos móveis em madeira de lei e/ou MDF, tais como, banco, pulpito, estante, aparador, expositor, escrivaninha, cadeiras, balcão, m

Gt Ref Id - 90069100

Deadline - Aug 16, 2024

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