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Country - Brazil
Summary - Contracting To The Installment Of Installment Of Surgical Instruments Pillow Pulling, Tracheostomy Box, Dissection Tweezers, Among Others, To Attend The Veterinary Hospital And University Hospital Of Londrina.
Deadline - Apr 29, 2025
GT reference number - 104734057
Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Address - Brazil
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104734057
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: * Electronic Bidding * Contracting To The Installment Of Installment Of Surgical Instruments Pillow Pulling, Tracheostomy Box, Dissection Tweezers, Among Others, To Attend The Veterinary Hospital And University Hospital Of Londrina.loca l title:: * Licitação Eletrônica * Contratação para o fornecimento parcelado de instrumentais cirúrgicos alicate puxa fio, caixa de traqueostomia neo, pinça mixter de dissecção, entre outros, para atender o Hospital Veterinário e Hospital Universitário de Londrina.Net Budget LC: : 19136.37 est_amount: 19136.37 lot_details: 1: Alicate uso médico, 2: Cânula Instrumental, 3: Material especial otorrinolaringologia, 4: Pinça Cirúrgica,
Gt Ref Id - 104734057
Deadline - Apr 29, 2025
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