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Contratação De Firmas De Consultoria Para Operador Técnico De Campo (Otcs), No Âmbito Da Abrangência Gradual Do Projecto Às Províncias De Benguela, Cuanza Sul, Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Huíla, Luanda, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Moxico E Namibe.

Unidade de Implementacao do Projeto (UIP) Angola has Released a tender for Contratação De Firmas De Consultoria Para Operador Técnico De Campo (Otcs), No Âmbito Da Abrangência Gradual Do Projecto Às Províncias De Benguela, Cuanza Sul, Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Huíla, Luanda, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Moxico E Namibe. in . The tender was released on Feb 28, 2025.

Country - Angola

Summary - Contratação De Firmas De Consultoria Para Operador Técnico De Campo (Otcs), No Âmbito Da Abrangência Gradual Do Projecto Às Províncias De Benguela, Cuanza Sul, Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Huíla, Luanda, Lunda Norte, Lunda Sul, Moxico E Namibe.

Deadline - Mar 18, 2025

GT reference number - 104131991

Product classification - Livestock

Organization Details:

  Address - Angola

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104131991

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Selection of Consultant Firms to undertake the Field Technical Operator (FTO) services, having into account the gradual coverage of the Project to the provinces of Benguela, Cuanza Sul, Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Huíla, Luanda, Lunda Norte , Lunda Sul, Moxico and Namibe”, with the tender to be carried out by Lots, as follows: LOT 1: Lunda Norte and Lunda Sul; LOT 2: Moxico; LOT 3: Cuanza Sul; LOT 4: Cunene; LOT 5: Luanda and Huíla; LOT 6: Benguela and Namibe; and LOT 7: Cuando Cubango.Reference No.: 133/C1/C/MOSAP3/25The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MINAGRIF) has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Smallholder Agricultural Transformation Projec

Gt Ref Id - 104131991

Deadline - Mar 18, 2025

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