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Country - France
Summary - Conversion Study Of Former Villeneuve Sur Lot Hospital (47) On Behalf Of Epfna.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 82550249
Product classification - Survey services
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 82550249
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: summary of the market: The objective of the study is to define the programming, the role of each space and the legal and financial arrangement with a view to the reconversion of the site of the former Saint Cyr hospital in Villeneuve-sur -Lot , with a view to creating a culture-training center centered around a campus and an intercommunal media library.The market includes 5 phases:Phase n°1: development of a site diagnosisPhase n°2: definition of a scenarioPhase n°3 (optional): production of a second scenarioPhase n°4 (optional): deepening of the selected scenarioPhase n°5 (optional): consultation with the populationMain place of execution of the contract: former hospital of
Gt Ref Id - 82550249
Deadline - Jun 16, 2024
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