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Country - Finland
Summary - Conveyance Dps
Deadline - Jul 31, 2030
GT reference number - 82574564
Product classification - Motor vehicles
Address - Finland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 82574564
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Kuntien Hankintapalvelut KuHa Oy (hereafter Procurement Unit) establishes a dynamic procurement system (hereafter DPS) for vehicles. The customers involved in the procurement are the cities of Kangasala, Nokia, Orivesi and Ylöjärvi and the municipalities of Lempäälä, Pirkkala and Vesilahti (hereafter Kehyskunnat). Subsidiaries of the aforementioned cities and municipalities can also be subscribers. The subject of procurement are combustion engine and electric vehicles (or a combination of these PHEVs):- passenger cars - small vans- medium vans- large vans- pick-up trucks (chassis models)- pick-up carsIn DPS's internal tenders, the detailed characteristics of the vehicles to
Gt Ref Id - 82574564
Deadline - Jul 31, 2030
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