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Conveyor Belts

Акционарско друштво Електропривреда Србије, Београд Serbia has Released a tender for Conveyor Belts in Rubber. The tender was released on Nov 23, 2024.

Country - Serbia

Summary - Conveyor Belts

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 98181797

Product classification - Rubber bands

Organization Details:

  Address - Serbia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98181797

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Conveyor Beltslocal title:: Транспортне тракеContract Type: : SupplyGross Budget LC: : 4261900260.0 est_amount: 4261900260.0 lot_details: 1: Lot 1. Conveyor belts with steel cord and joint production for the needs of the Kolubara Branch (Conveyor belts with steel cord, joint production service for the needs of the Kolubara Branch and longitudinal jointing service), 2: Lot 2. Conveyor belts with canvas for the needs of the Kolubara Branch of the RB, 3: Lot 3. Large width conveyor belts, 4: Lot 4. Conveyor belts with steel cord for the needs of the Branch TE – KO Kostolac, 5: Lot 5. Conveyor belt with canvas for the needs of the Branch of the Thermal Power Plant

Gt Ref Id - 98181797

Deadline - Dec 05, 2024

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