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Country - France
Summary - Creation Of A Hill Reservoir On The Gaudre De Pascal
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 74148646
Product classification - Construction work
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 74148646
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - The municipality of Saint-Etienne du Grès intends to carry out development work on a hill reservoir on the Gaudre de Pascal, located on its territory, Domaine de Roqueverde, Gaudre de Pascal (13103). The purpose of this consultation is to organizati on of the procedure at the end of which the service provider will be designated who will be responsible for carrying out the work mentioned above. This procedure is subject to the provisions of articles L2123-1 and R2123-1 to R2123-7 of the Public Procurement Code, relating to adapted procedures, at the end of which the contracting authority may award a contract according to an adapted procedure when the estimated value excluding tax of the need
Gt Ref Id - 74148646
Deadline - Nov 27, 2023
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