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Country - France
Summary - Csps Mission - Pre-Work Research On Asbestos And Lead Relating To Roadworks And Works On Civil Engineering Structures
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 99690912
Product classification - Health and safety consultancy services
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99690912
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Coordination mission in matters of safety and health protection (RD category 2 and 3) - pre-work research (RAT) asbestos and lead relating to road works and work on structureslocal title:: Mission CSPS - recherche avant travaux amiante e t plomb se rattachant aux travaux routiers et aux travaux sur ouvrages d'artContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : Mission de coordination en matière de sécurité et de protection de la santé (RD de catégorie 2 et 3) - recherche avant travaux (RAT) amiante et plomb se rattachant aux travaux routiers et aux travaux sur ouvrages d'ar dispatch_date: 2024-12-11 00:00:00 lot_details: 1: lot n°1 coordination mission in matters of security an
Gt Ref Id - 99690912
Deadline - Jan 21, 2025
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