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Customer Satisfaction Index (Kti)

Ruter As, TET Digital AS Norway has Released a tender for Customer Satisfaction Index (Kti) in Services. The tender was released on Sep 16, 2024.

Country - Norway

Summary - Customer Satisfaction Index (Kti)

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 93357436

Product classification - Customer satisfaction survey

Organization Details:

  Address - Norway

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 93357436

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: TET Digital AS is to build a new customer service system for its owners, and needs a good solution for measuring customer satisfaction, hereafter called "KTI", which the owners can use to measure how satisfied the customers are with the services, and meet the customers' needs. KTI is crucial for being able to measure both positive and negative patterns over time.notice_title: Customer Satisfaction Index (Kti)Contract Type: : Serviceslocal description: : TET Digital AS skal bygge nytt kundeservicesystem til sine eiere, og trenger en god løsning for måling av kundetilfredshet, heretter kalt «KTI», som eierne kan benytte seg av for å kunne måle hvor tilfredse kundene er med t

Gt Ref Id - 93357436

Deadline - Oct 14, 2024

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