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D3 Motorway Žilina, Brodno – Kysucké Nove Mesto

Urad pre verejne obstaravanie Slovakia has Released a tender for D3 Motorway Žilina, Brodno – Kysucké Nove Mesto in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Nov 26, 2024.

Country - Slovakia

Summary - D3 Motorway Žilina, Brodno – Kysucké Nove Mesto

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 98402733

Product classification - Construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - Slovakia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98402733

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The subject of the contract is the construction of the D3 motorway in the section Žilina (Brodno) - Kysucké Nové Mesto, which is part of the D3 motorway, which starts in Hričovské Podhradí and ends at the border with Poland in Skal ité. It is part of the D1 - D3 motorway section on the Bratislava - Trenčín - Žilina - Skalité route. The motorway in question is also part of the Multimodal Transport Corridor No. VI, the Trans-European Networks and the Trans-European Motorway in the north-south direction. The construction of the D3 motorway in the planned area will increase the capacity of the road network in the region, reduce the negative impacts of passenger but especia

Gt Ref Id - 98402733

Deadline - Feb 25, 2025

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