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D6 Krupá, Transfer

Reditelstvi silnic a dalnic s. p. Czech Republic has Released a tender for D6 Krupá, Transfer in Roads and Highways. The tender was released on Dec 13, 2024.

Country - Czech Republic

Summary - D6 Krupá, Transfer

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 99690319

Product classification - Motorway construction works

Organization Details:

  Address - Czech Republic

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99690319

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: This is the implementation of another section of the D6 highway in km station 41.75 - 48.2. Building "D6 Krupá,preložka" belongs to the set of constructions of the D6 expressway between Nový Strašecí and the intersection withroad I/ 27 near the municipality of St. Petersburg. The construction solves the bypass of the village of Krupá, where it currently passesroad I/6. At its beginning, the construction follows the 2nd construction section (D6 Řevničov - bypass) and onat its end to the 4th construction section (D6 Hořesedly, preložka). A large part of the route is followedagricultural land, only a very small part is on forest land. The route starts from the village of K

Gt Ref Id - 99690319

Deadline - Dec 28, 2024

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