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Db-Cl-06 Expansion And Construction Of Wastewater Treatment Plants In Fieni, Racari, Nucet, Baleni, Matasaru, Corbii Mari, Morteni, Vishina, Potlogi, Targoviste, Gaesti, Titu

COMPANIA DE APA TARGOVISTE- DAMBOVITA Romania has Released a tender for Db-Cl-06 Expansion And Construction Of Wastewater Treatment Plants In Fieni, Racari, Nucet, Baleni, Matasaru, Corbii Mari, Morteni, Vishina, Potlogi, Targoviste, Gaesti, Titu in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Dec 20, 2024.

Country - Romania

Summary - Db-Cl-06 Expansion And Construction Of Wastewater Treatment Plants In Fieni, Racari, Nucet, Baleni, Matasaru, Corbii Mari, Morteni, Vishina, Potlogi, Targoviste, Gaesti, Titu

Deadline - Mar 17, 2025

GT reference number - 100224244

Product classification - Sewage work

Organization Details:

  Address - Romania

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 100224244

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Design and execution of works related to the contract "DB-CL-06 Expansion and construction of wastewater treatment plants in Fieni, Răcari, Nucet, Băleni, Mătăsaru, Corbii Mari, Morteni, Vișina, Potlogi, Târgoviște, Găești, Titu ", including:-Ob. 1: Expansion of Fieni wastewater treatment plant (14,905 l.e.), including rehabilitation of the by-pass pipeline-Ob. 2: Construction of Răcari wastewater treatment plant (3,686 l.e.)-Ob. 3: Construction of Nucet wastewater treatment plant (6,615 l.e.)-Ob. 4: Expansion of Băleni wastewater treatment plant (6,838 l.e.)-Ob. 5: Construction of a new treatment line at the Mătăsaru treatment plant (3,885 l.e.), including SPAU and

Gt Ref Id - 100224244

Deadline - Mar 17, 2025

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