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Dek-1444 Dekk Electrose Surgery Handbook And Consumable.

Debreceni Egyetem Hungary has Released a tender for Dek-1444 Dekk Electrose Surgery Handbook And Consumable. in Healthcare Equipment and Services. The tender was released on Feb 25, 2025.

Country - Hungary

Summary - Dek-1444 Dekk Electrose Surgery Handbook And Consumable.

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 103961759

Product classification - Electrosurgical unit

Organization Details:

  Address - Hungary

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 103961759

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: University of Debrecen Clinical Center Purchase of Electrose Surgery handheld equipment and consumables in 6 procedures.local title:: DEK-1444 DEKK Elektrosebészeti kézieszk és fogyóa.Contract Duration: : 30 DAYContract Type: : Suppl ylocal description: : Debreceni Egyetem Klinikai Központ részére elektrosebészeti kézieszközök és fogyóanyagok beszerzése 6 eljárási részben. lot_details: 1: Force Triad -type cutter/closing/separation devices, 2: Gen11 for generator handles, 3: EMED Nagyfrek wound cutter finished manual and consumable, 4: Thunderbeat high -end handicrafts, 5: Valleylab LS10 type electro wound. handheld, 6: ERBE ICC 300, Erbe Vio 300s and Erbe ICC 80

Gt Ref Id - 103961759

Deadline - Mar 03, 2025

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