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Country - Romania
Summary - Delegation Of Management Through Concession Of The Public Street Sanitation Service, Cleaning And Transporting Snow From Public Roads And Maintaining Them In Operation During Frost Or Freezing Weather In The Municipality Of Alba Iulia
Deadline - Feb 12, 2025
GT reference number - 100090928
Product classification - Street-cleaning and sweeping services
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 100090928
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: “Delegation of management by concession of the public street sanitation service, cleaning and transporting snow from public roads and maintaining them in operation during frost or freezing weather in the municipality of Alba Iulia”Ba sed on the concession contract, services will be provided regarding the Delegation of management, by concession, of street sanitation and snow removal activities, component activities of the sanitation service in the municipality of Alba Iulia, in accordance with the requirements of the award documentation, namely:1. Street sanitation service, with the following structure of operations: a) mechanized sweeping of the roadway;b) mechanized sweeping
Gt Ref Id - 100090928
Deadline - Feb 12, 2025
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