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Country - Denmark
Summary - Delivery, Installation And Commissioning Of Equipment For Clinical Biochemical Laboratory At Bornholm Hospital
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 105787186
Product classification - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Address - Denmark
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 105787186
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Contract on chemistry and immune equipment incl. Service to the Clinical Biochemistry Department at Bornholm Hospital with Roche Diagnostics A/S. The contract is concluded for the life expectancy of the equipment of 10 years.local title: : Levering, installation og idriftsættelse af udstyr til Klinisk Biokemisk Laboratorie på Bornholms HospitalContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Kontrakt på kemi- og immunkemi udstyr inkl. service til Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling på Bornholms Hospital med Roche Diagnostics A/S. Kontrakten indgås for udstyrets forventede levetid på 10 år. lot_details: 1: Delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment for clinical biochemical lab
Gt Ref Id - 105787186
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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