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Country - Poland
Summary - Delivery Of A Brand New Self-Propelled Articulated-Telescopic Platform Designed For Work Under Voltage On Mv Overhead Networks, Built On A Car Chassis With A Gvw Of Over 5.5 T For The Needs Of Tauron Dystrybucja S.A. Branch In Wrocław.
Deadline - Jan 16, 2025
GT reference number - 99711255
Product classification - Bucket-type, continuous-action elevators or conveyors
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99711255
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The subject of the Order is the delivery of a brand new self-propelled articulated-telescopic platform intended for work under voltage on MV overhead networks, built on a car chassis with a GVW of over 5.5 t. A detailed description of th e Subject of the Order is specified in the SWZ (Appendix No. 9 to the SWZ)local title:: Dostawa fabrycznie nowego podestu przegubowo-teleskopowego samojezdnego przeznaczonego do prac pod napięciem na sieciach napowietrznych SN zabudowanego na podwoziu samochodowym o dmc. pow. 5,5 t na potrzeby TAURON Dystrybucja S.A. Oddział we Wrocławiu.Contract Duration: : 90 DAYContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Przedmiotem Zamówienia jest dostawa
Gt Ref Id - 99711255
Deadline - Jan 16, 2025
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