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Country - Poland
Summary - Delivery Of Aspiration-Vacuum Closed Systems For Blood Collection, Lung Staplers, Articulated Stapler Inserts, Fluids Preventing Fogging Of The Optics, Staplers - Roticulator, Systems For Controlled Stool Collection, Inserts, Used For Vacuum Suction Pumps, Urostomy And Stoma Bags Divided Into 6 Parts
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GT reference number - 102845382
Product classification - Industrial machinery
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102845382
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Delivery of aspiration-vacuum closed systems for blood collection, lung staplers, articulated stapler inserts, fluids preventing fogging of the optics, staplers - roticulator, systems for controlled stool collection, inserts, used for va cuum suction pumps, urostomy and stoma bags divided into 6 partslocal title:: Dostawa aspiracyjno - próżniowych systemów zamkniętych do pobierania krwi , staplerów płucnych, wkładów przegubowych j.uż. do staplera, płynów zapobiegających parowaniu optyki, staplerów – rotikulator, systemów do kontrolowanej zbiórki stolca, wkładów j. uż. do ssaków próżniowych, worków urostomijnych i stomijnych w podziale na 6 częściContract
Gt Ref Id - 102845382
Deadline - Feb 21, 2025
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