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Delivery Of Computer And Peripheral Equipment For Plovdiv University "Paisius Hilendarski" Under The Project "Digital Sustainable Ecosystems - Technological Solutions And Social Models For Sustainability Of Ecosystems (Duekos)", Including 13 (Thirteen) Separate Items

ПЛОВДИВСКИ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ПАИСИЙ ХИЛЕНДАРСКИ Bulgaria has Released a tender for Delivery Of Computer And Peripheral Equipment For Plovdiv University "Paisius Hilendarski" Under The Project "Digital Sustainable Ecosystems - Technological Solutions And Social Models For Sustainability Of Ecosystems (Duekos)", Including 13 (Thirteen) Separate Items in Industry. The tender was released on Dec 17, 2024.

Country - Bulgaria

Summary - Delivery Of Computer And Peripheral Equipment For Plovdiv University "Paisius Hilendarski" Under The Project "Digital Sustainable Ecosystems - Technological Solutions And Social Models For Sustainability Of Ecosystems (Duekos)", Including 13 (Thirteen) Separate Items

Deadline - Jan 01, 2025

GT reference number - 99941713

Product classification - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages

Organization Details:

  Address - Bulgaria

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99941713

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The full scope of the order includes the selection of a supplier for the supply of computer and peripheral equipment for Plovdiv University "PAISIY KHILENDARSKI" under the project "DIGITAL SUSTAINABLE ECOSYSTEMS - TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS AND SOCIAL MODELS FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF ECOSYSTEMS (DUEkoS)", under the following lots:Lot No. 1: "Desktop computer systems with monitor"Lot No. 2: "Computer system - productive class (server)"Lot No. 3: "Multifunctional devices"Lot No. 4: "Portable computers"Lot No. 5: "Graphics tablet"Lot No. 6: "High-end projector"Lot No. 7: "Software training server"Lot No. 8: "Data storage servers - NAS”Lot No. 9: “Test system for a prototype”Lot No.

Gt Ref Id - 99941713

Deadline - Jan 01, 2025

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