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Country - Finland
Summary - Demolition Work - Hirvelä School, Voikkaa, Kouvola
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 94011093
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Finland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 94011093
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The form of the contract is a total contract, where the demolition contractor acts as the main contractor and as the main implementer as defined by law.The demolition works included in the main contract are fully completed in accordance with the documents mentioned in the list of documents.With this request for quotation, the total price for the aforementioned contract is requested.notice_title: Demolition Work - Hirvelä School, Voikkaa, Kouvolalocal description: : Urakkamuotona on kokonaisurakka, jossa purkutöiden urakoitsija toimii pääurakoitsijana ja lain tarkoittamana päätoteuttajana.Pääurakkaan sisältyvät purkutyöt asiakirjaluettelossa mainittujen asiakirjojen mu
Gt Ref Id - 94011093
Deadline - Oct 15, 2024
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