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Design And Construction Management Services

Saskatchewan School Boards Association Canada has Released a tender for Design And Construction Management Services in Engineering. The tender was released on Apr 24, 2023.

Country - Canada

Summary - Design And Construction Management Services

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 65197017

Product classification - Dam-design services

Organization Details:

  Address - Canada

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 65197017

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES Synopsis: The Saskatchewan School Boards Association (SSBA) is a non-profit organization based in Regina, Saskatchewan. The SSBA will be moving from its current downtown location and seeking design and cons truction manager services to design and renovate the tenant suite.The submission of a fee proposal (“Proposal”) is requested for the provision of Design and Construction Management Services under a single contract for the renovation of the 4th floor tenant suite in the office building located at 2631 - 28th Avenue in Regina, SK. Specification and conditions are set out in the attached document and Appendix. Additional Information: Timeta

Gt Ref Id - 65197017

Deadline - May 17, 2023

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