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Country - Romania
Summary - Design And Execution Construction Works Of Gas Supply Pipelines For The Connection To The Existing Dn600 Gas Pipeline Of Two Cogeneration Units Located In Different Locations, In The Premises Of Termo Ploiesti-Cet Brazi.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 92931277
Product classification - Gas supply mains construction work
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 92931277
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Construction works of gas supply pipelines for the connection to the existing DN600 gas pipeline of two cogeneration units located in different locations, in the premises of Termo Ploiesti-CET Brazi. A. Elaboration of the technical docum entation and obtaining the necessary approvals for the connection to the existing gas pipeline in Dn 600 of two cogeneration units, located in different locations, within the premises of Termo Ploiesti - CET Brazi. B. C+M - Installation of connections and connections to the existing gas pipeline of two cogeneration units with a total power of 70 MWt, located in different locations.notice_title: Design And Execution Construction Works Of Gas Suppl
Gt Ref Id - 92931277
Deadline - Sep 19, 2024
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