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Country - Romania
Summary - "Design And Execution Of Works: "Transregio Feleac Tr 35 Road - Stage I Metropolitan Belt Tr 35 And Connecting Roads"
Deadline - Dec 11, 2025
GT reference number - 99581578
Product classification - Road construction works
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99581578
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: "DESIGN AND EXECUTION OF WORKS: "TransRegio Feleac TR 35 Road - Stage I Metropolitan Belt TR 35 and Link Roads" Phase I - Metropolitan Belt TR 35 and Link Roads, TR35 from km 14+747 (junction 5 Florești) to km 24+365 (junction 10 Calea Turzii) and - TR35 from km 24+365 (junction 10 Calea Turzii) to 38+418 (junction 18 -VOCE)local title:: "PROIECTARE SI EXECUȚIE LUCRĂRI: „Drum TransRegio Feleac TR 35- Etapa I Centura Metropolitană TR 35 și Drumuri de Legătură “Contract Type: : Workslocal description: : "PROIECTARE SI EXECUȚIE LUCRĂRI: „Drum TransRegio Feleac TR 35- Etapa I Centura Metropolitană TR 35 și Drumuri de Legătură “ Faza I – Centura Metropol TR 35
Gt Ref Id - 99581578
Deadline - Dec 11, 2025
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