Most trusted source for Tendering Opportunities and Business Intelligence since 2002
Country - Australia
Summary - Design And Installation Of Audio Visual Pa System To Museum Of Tropical Queensland, 70 -102 Flinders Street, Townsville Queensland 4810
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 83087774
Product classification - Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
Address - Australia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 83087774
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: THE QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT, THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING, LOCAL GOVERNMENT, PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS, QBUILD, IS SEEKING PROPOSALS TO SUBMIT AN OFFER DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF AUDIO VISUAL PA SYSTEM TO MUSEUM OF TROPICAL QUEENSLAND AT 70-102 FLINDERS STREET, TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810Tenderers please note the following:Tender documentation for this project is available from the QBuild eTender website at will require and etender account to access/downlad the tender documents. Account in etender can be created by self registration using the following link are to be electroni
Gt Ref Id - 83087774
Deadline - Jul 11, 2024
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