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Desk Height: 0.76 Meter; Width: 0.6 Meter; Drawers: 3; Length: 1.2 Meter; Material: Melamine, Formica And Metal; *According To Attached Specifications* P. 1441

INSTITUTO GUATEMALTECO DE SEGURIDAD SOCIAL -IGSS- Guatemala has Released a tender for Desk Height: 0.76 Meter; Width: 0.6 Meter; Drawers: 3; Length: 1.2 Meter; Material: Melamine, Formica And Metal; *According To Attached Specifications* P. 1441 in Machinery and Equipments. The tender was released on Dec 03, 2024.

Country - Guatemala

Summary - Desk Height: 0.76 Meter; Width: 0.6 Meter; Drawers: 3; Length: 1.2 Meter; Material: Melamine, Formica And Metal; *According To Attached Specifications* P. 1441

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 98943466

Product classification - Construction structures and materials; auxiliary products to construction (except electric apparatus)

Organization Details:

  Address - Guatemala

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98943466

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Desk Height: 0.76 Meter; Width: 0.6 Meter; Drawers: 3; Length: 1.2 Meter; Material: Melamine, Formica And Metal; *According To Attached Specifications* P. 1441local title:: Escritorio Alto: 0.76 Metro; Ancho: 0.6 Metro; Gavetas: 3; Larg o: 1.2 Metro; Material: Melamina, fórmica y metal; *SEGÚN ESPECIFICACIONES ADJUNTAS* P. 1441 category: Computación y telecomunicaciones | Otros tipos de bienes o servicios | Limpieza, fumigación y artículos afines | Muebles y mobiliario de oficina | Papelería y artículos de librería | Seguridad y armamento | Textiles, ropa y calzado | Transporte, repuestos y combustibles

Gt Ref Id - 98943466

Deadline - Dec 04, 2024

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