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Development Of A Legal Entity Consent-Based Service

Riigi Infosusteemi Amet (70006317) Estonia has Released a tender for Development Of A Legal Entity Consent-Based Service in Software Services. The tender was released on Dec 05, 2024.

Country - Estonia

Summary - Development Of A Legal Entity Consent-Based Service

Deadline - Jan 09, 2025

GT reference number - 99130922

Product classification - Programming services of packaged software products

Organization Details:

  Address - Estonia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99130922

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The purpose of the procurement is to develop a legal entity consent-based data exchange service. The legal entity consent service would be a solution through which a legal entity representative can give consent to share their legal entit y data with a third party, i.e. another legal entity, via the company portal, including requesting consent for the use of the data.local title:: Juriidilise isiku nõusolekupõhise teenuse arendaminelocal description: : Hanke eesmärgiks on juriidilise isiku nõusolekupõhise andmevahetuse teenuse arendamine. Juriidilise isiku nõusolekuteenus oleks lahendus, mille kaudu saab juriidilise isiku esindaja läbi ettevõtjaportaali anda nõusoleku oma

Gt Ref Id - 99130922

Deadline - Jan 09, 2025

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