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Diagnostic Material For Analyzers From Foreign Manufacturers Siemens, Roche, Abbott, Beckman Coulter, Ekf, Biorad, Grifols Or Equivalent

oОНД ЗА СОЦИЈАЛНО ОСИГУРАЊЕ ВОЈНИХ ОСИГУРАНИКА Serbia has Released a tender for Diagnostic Material For Analyzers From Foreign Manufacturers Siemens, Roche, Abbott, Beckman Coulter, Ekf, Biorad, Grifols Or Equivalent in Healthcare Equipment and Services. The tender was released on Dec 06, 2024.

Country - Serbia

Summary - Diagnostic Material For Analyzers From Foreign Manufacturers Siemens, Roche, Abbott, Beckman Coulter, Ekf, Biorad, Grifols Or Equivalent

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 99264005

Product classification - Diagnostic supplies

Organization Details:

  Address - Serbia

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99264005

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Diagnostic Material For Analyzers From Foreign Manufacturers Siemens, Roche, Abbott, Beckman Coulter, Ekf, Biorad, Grifols Or Equivalentlocal title:: Дијагностички материјал за анализаторе инопро извођача Сиеменс, Роцхе, Абботт, Бецкман Цоултер, ЕКФ, Биорад, Грифолс или одговарајућеContract Type: : SupplyGross Budget LC: : 140790125.89 est_amount: 140790125.89 lot_details: 1: Lot 1 - Diagnostic material compatible with the ARCHITECT i 2000 sr and ARCHITECT i 1000 device, 2: Lot 2 - Diagnostic material compatible with DIMENSION RXL MAX devices, 3: Lot 3 - Diagnostic mat

Gt Ref Id - 99264005

Deadline - Dec 20, 2024

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