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Disposable Catering Items For Frontex Focal Point Galati

Inspectoratul Teritorial al Politiei de Frontiera Iasi Romania has Released a tender for Disposable Catering Items For Frontex Focal Point Galati in Industry. The tender was released on Nov 28, 2024.

Country - Romania

Summary - Disposable Catering Items For Frontex Focal Point Galati

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 98646668

Product classification - Disposable catering supplies

Organization Details:

  Address - Romania

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98646668

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Disposable catering items: CARDBOARD CUPS (250 ml, white, set /25 pcs) - quantity 10 sets OVAL CARDBOARD PLATES (non-laminated, white, size 26 cm, set /10 pcs) - quantity 10 sets WOODEN FORKS (16.5 cm, set /12 pcs) - quantity 10 sets WOO DEN KNIVES (16.5 cm, set /12 pcs) - quantity 10 setslocal title:: Articole catering de unica folosinta pentru Punct Focal Frontex GalatiContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Articole catering de unica folosinta : PAHARE DE CARTON (250 ml, albe, set /25 buc) - cantitate 10 seturi FARFURII OVALE DE CARTON( nelaminate, albe, dimensiune 26 cm, set /10 buc) - cantitate 10 seturi FURCULITE DIN LEMN (16.5 cm, set /12 buc) -cantitate 10 seturi CUTI

Gt Ref Id - 98646668

Deadline - Dec 02, 2024

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