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Country - Ukraine
Summary - Dk 021:2015 - 33690000-3 Miscellaneous Medicinal Products (Laboratory Reagents: Boule Lysing, 5 L (55859: Leukocyte Count Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Reagent); Boule Diluent, 20 L (58237: Buffer Diluent For Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Automatic/Semi-Automatic Systems); Boule Control-Dif … More
Deadline - Jan 01, 2025
GT reference number - 99990223
Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Address - Ukraine
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99990223
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Dk 021:2015 - 33690000-3 Miscellaneous Medicinal Products (Laboratory Reagents: Boule Lysing, 5 L (55859: Leukocyte Count Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), Reagent); Boule Diluent, 20 L (58237: Buffer Diluent For Ivd (In Vitro Diagnostics), A utomatic/Semi-Automatic Systems); Boule Control-Dif … Morelocal title:: ДК 021:2015 - 33690000-3 Лікарські засоби різні (Лабораторні реактиви: Boule Лізуючий, 5 л (55859: Підрахунок лейкоцитів IVD (діагностика in vitro), реагент); Boule Ділуент, 20 л (58237:Буферний розчинник зразків IVD (діагностика in vitro), ав
Gt Ref Id - 99990223
Deadline - Jan 01, 2025
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