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Country - Ireland
Summary - Dps For The Provision Of Second Hand Vehicles Including Wheelchair Accessible Adapted Vehicles For St. John Of God Community Services Clg
Deadline - Apr 30, 2028
GT reference number - 72440866
Product classification - Motor vehicles
Address - Ireland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 72440866
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - The DPS is for three vehicle categories: Category A: The purchase of second-hand Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV) comprising six seats or more in addition to the driver’s seat. Category B: The purchase of second-hand wheelchair accessible vehicle/disabl ed person’s vehicle. Category C: The purchase of second-hand Panel Vans. Further information of the required goods and related services is described in Appendix 1 of the DPSQ. Please note that this is a Dynamic Purchasing System. In summary, a Dynamic Purchasing system is divided into two stages: 1. DPS Qualification: where applicants are evaluated and qualified to the DPS based on the submitted documents as per item 2.2 of the DPS document. On
Gt Ref Id - 72440866
Deadline - Apr 30, 2028
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