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Earthworks 2025-2026, Framework Agreement

Espoon kaupunki Kaupunkitekniikan keskus Finland has Released a tender for Earthworks 2025-2026, Framework Agreement in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Nov 25, 2024.

Country - Finland

Summary - Earthworks 2025-2026, Framework Agreement

Deadline - Jan 20, 2025

GT reference number - 98259304

Product classification - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work

Organization Details:

  Address - Finland

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 98259304

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The contract covers municipal technical construction sites within this framework agreement in the city of Espoo and works required by the city's own construction unit, for example paving works.The contract sites are located around the ci ty of Espoo.The earthmoving machines and earthmoving trucks used in the contract use renewable, fossil-free fuels. In the case-specific mini-competitions for the contract, attention is also paid to the emission values ​​of the natural stone materials used in the contract.In the case-specific mini-competitions for the contract, the Infrakit project bank, information models and machine control or the Teams program are used as the project bank.l

Gt Ref Id - 98259304

Deadline - Jan 20, 2025

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