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Country - Germany
Summary - Ecological Improvement And Redesign Of Nine Culverts In The Lvr Breitenbruch
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 93954163
Product classification - Granules, chippings, stone powder, pebbles, gravel, broken and crushed stone, stone mixtures, sand-gravel mixtures and other aggregates
Address - Germany
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 93954163
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The North Rhine-Westphalia State Forest and Wood Authority is issuing a tender for the redesign of nine culverts for the Arnsberg Forest Regional Forestry Office in the Breitenbruch Regional Forestry Office.For a precise description of t he scope and extent of the work, please refer to the attached specifications and the general construction description. The documents mentioned are part of the general specifications and therefore part of the contract.The measure is divided into a total of 9 lotsLot 1-9 Breitenbruch Regional Forestry OfficeLot 1 Location 1 Pothole filling near "Wannestr."Lot 2 Location 2 Pipe culvert / water pipeLot 3 Location 3 Scour filling "Ostpreußendamm"Lot
Gt Ref Id - 93954163
Deadline - Oct 21, 2024
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